Welcome to the Caffini area where we inform and explain to all our visitors the methods and purposes of the data we process, as well as a series of other information in which you may be interested to understand exactly the copyright and / or copyright of the contents present in our web portals and all information on cookies.
The proper management of your data and the trust you place in the Caffini brand are our priority. To give you the best, in everything we do, we are committed to continuous improvement; with this in mind, we will collect, use, transfer and store your data. You have the right to be informed in a transparent manner about how we process and protect this data; we therefore ask you to take a few minutes to read our privacy policy,not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns at info@caffini.com
This document consists of three main elements:
- Information – European Regulation on the protection of personal data 2016/679;
- Legal Disclaimer for content;
- Cookie Policy
European Regulation on the protection of personal data 2016/679
This document (“Information”) intends to provide information on the processing of information – relating to users who use the services accessible from the web addresses caffini.com, (“Site”) – by Caffini S.p.a (“Caffini”) and / or other subjects identified for the purposes indicated below. The Information, in particular, is provided pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679 (respectively “Privacy Code”, “GDPR” and jointly “Applicable Legislation”) and concerns exclusively the aforementioned Sites: therefore it does not concern any other sites accessible by the user through the links on the same.
We inform you that the data concerning your person we treat them with particular prudence and attention, using security standards implemented with respect to the already high level of measures adopted so far.
The information will be constantly updated also in consideration of future technological changes, purposes and / or guidelines of the European Guarantor Authorities and the European Committee and the date of last update will always be published.
1. Who processes your personal data?
The Data Controller of all processing of personal data operated by our company is Caffini S.p.a , legally represented by Roberto Caffini, P. IVA IT02945220230, with legal and operational headquarters in CEREA (VR), Via G.Marconi n. 2, which can be contacted at the following email PALU’info@caffini.com
Your data will be processed by internal staff of the company specifically appointed “Data Processor”, periodically trained and updated on their roles, responsibilities, tasks and processing methods and are placed at the direct control of the data controller.
2. Categories of subjects to whom the data may be communicated or become aware of it
Without prejudice to communications made in fulfillment of a legal obligation, regulation or current legislation, the communication, even through the simple consultation or making available of data concerning you, may intervene against the following categories of subjects: natural or legal persons who provide specific services to our legal consulting company, administrative, tax and / or accounting, or responsible for credit recovery, maintenance services, repair, installation, replacement or updates of electronic / computer equipment.
The subjects indicated above will be appointed as data processors and must comply with the same high data protection conditions as applied by our company as well as the same privacy legislation contained in this form.
We reassure you that, in any case, only the necessary and relevant data will be transferred / communicated with respect to the purposes of the processing to which the individual persons in charge and managers of the treatment are responsible, the latter subjects must comply with the same conditions of confidentiality and data protection indicated in this statement.
Outside of the cases indicated above, your personal data will not be disclosed or communicated to third parties, except for your prior and explicit consent.
3. Source of personal data
All data collected are processed in compliance with current legislation and with due confidentiality.
The data in our possession, acquired in relation to contractual or pre-contractual relationships, are collected directly from the interested party both in paper and digital form.
The data processing takes place in manual and automated mode, paper and digital.
The data may sometimes also be collected from third parties only with your free and informed consent issued to the Data Controller who carries out or who intends to carry out the processing.
4. Nature of the collection - refusal to communicate data
The request for personal data present in the online forms on the site www.caffini.it ,necessary for the request of information and / or for download services and / or to establish a commercial relationship is optional, but the refusal of such communication by you determines the impossibility for the company to take charge of the pre-contractual / contractual request. The communication of such personal data is therefore a necessary requirement for the conclusion of the contract for the provision of the download service and / or request for information on the services offered by our company.
The collection of any personal data through the contract (paper or digital) for the supply of goods and / or services is a contractual obligation and necessary to fulfill the legal obligations (by way of example in tax / accounting matters).
Failure to communicate data by the interested party, as required in contracts for the supply of goods and / or services does not make it possible to conclude the contract.
The collection of data for promotional purposes is optional and the refusal does not affect the provision of the requested service.
Data collection takes place, as well as through online forms, also through technical, analytical and third-party profiling cookies; profiling cookies have the sole purpose of knowing your navigation on the site and data collection is optional. The refusal to install profiling cookies does not prevent the use of the site’s services, however it can cause difficulties and slowdowns in navigation, the appearance of generic advertisements, the incomplete exploitation of the potential of the site as well as other temporary difficulties or slowdowns in the use of the site.
5. Purpose and legal basis of the processing
The collection or processing of personal data has the following purposes aimed at adequately providing for the performance of the economic activity of our company and in particular for:
a) exchange of pre-contractual information also for the performance of download services;
b) administrative-fiscal and accounting management;
c) contractual execution;
d) Retention of personal data for three years from the last expression of interest through interaction with the site of our company caffini.it while for fiscally relevant documents the conservation is linked to the time frame imposed by current law; at the end of the time frame indicated above, the data will be permanently deleted.
e) sending promotional communications with automated methods;
f) profiling through the use of cookies aimed at capturing user behavior (for example identification of clicks made – (logic used) within the site caffini.it without automated decisions being taken from this capable of determining consequences that are also legally relevant for the interested party; the information obtained will be used to know if the topics covered by the site have been to the user’s liking. We are implementing company resources to make your activity on the site non-identifiable, with particular regard to the use of analytical cookies (compatibly with technological evolution and the costs necessary for this activity).For the processing of the data referred to in the previous letter (e) and f) the legal basis of the processing is the express consent of an optional nature.
The processing of data based on a contract to which the data subject is a party, letter a), b), (c) and d) of this article, and / or on a legal obligation, does not require the express consent of the subject.
6. Methods of processing, storage and destruction of personal data
The processing of data will be carried out in a lawful and correct manner and in any case in accordance with the aforementioned legislation, using suitable tools to guarantee security and confidentiality and may also be carried out through automated, manual tools or through the use of software and / or digital technologies to store and manage the data.
The processing will be carried out, primarily, by the internal organization of the company through its own persons in charge under the direction and control of the Data Controller.
The storage of data will take place in a form that allows the identification of the interested party for a period of time not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which they are collected and processed and subsequently will be destroyed.
In consideration of the particular nature of the assignment, the Company undertakes and undertakes its collaborators to keep confidential and not to communicate, make known or disseminate to third parties information or news of which it has become aware on the occasion or consequence of the relationship that has elapsed.
Personal data will be processed in such a way as to guarantee adequate security of the same, including protection, through appropriate technical and organizational measures such as the possible application of encryption, so as to prevent unauthorized or unlawful processing, loss, theft, accidental or malicious destruction or due to accidental damage, within the limits of diligence and the sector in question, .
It should be noted that no particular and / or judicial data and related to criminal offenses are processed.
Personal data may be stored within the terms indicated above in such a way as to allow the transfer of the same in archives of another Member State of the European Union or to third countries, whose companies are certified and comply with the EU-US Privacy Shield legislation and which guarantee an adequate level of protection and security, with storage of the same in an encrypted way on secure storage servers located in data centers also in the United States.
7. Rights of the interested parties
Pursuant to Article 13 of the GDPR 679/2016, the interested party may contact ourcompany, at the e-mail address: info@caffini.com and will be found within three working days, to assert the following rights:
– access to personal data;
– to obtain the correction of personal data or the cancellation of the same or the limitation of the processing concerning him;
– to oppose the processing of their data;
– data portability;
– to revoke the consent (the information to be given to the interested party about the right to withdraw consent obviously cannot concern cases in which the processing, for example, necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject or for the execution of a task of public interest or connected to the exercise of public powers of which the data controller is invested);
– to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (Privacy Guarantor)
http://www.garanteprivacy.it/ web/guest/home/docweb/-/ docweb-display/docweb/4535524 – or by writing to the following address Piazza di Monte Citorio n. 121 00186 ROME
These rights can be exercised by sending an email to info@caffini.com or by writing to Caffini S.p.a., Via G. Marconi 2, 37050, Palu’ (VR).8. How could you object to the processing?
The data subject shall have the right to object at any time on grounds relating to his or her particular situation to processing of personal data concerning him or her pursuant to Article 6(1)(1)(1) (e) or f) including profiling on the basis of these provisions.
Where personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, the data subject shall have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her carried out for such purposes including profiling to the extent that it is connected to such direct marketing.
The opposition does not affect the lawfulness of the processing having taken place according to the legislation in force prior to the opposition.
9. If you are under the age of 16?
The type of services offered by the site
are not aimed at people under the age of sixteen; therefore in this case we suggest you return to visit us at the age of 16.If from investigations carried out by our company directly or on report, it should be found that the user is under the age of 16 (sixteen) we will immediately delete the personal data, we will immediately report to the competent Authority and we will adopt judicial / administrative initiatives.
The information and material contained in this site (graphic interface, images, texts, organization of information, photographs, etc.) are the property of Forbit srl and, unless otherwise specified, are protected by copyright law and other rules for the protection of intellectual and industrial property.
Such material may not be copied, reproduced, republished, transmitted or distributed in any form, even partially, without the written permission of Forbit. The registered trademarks are the property of Forbit and may not be used without the prior written consent of Forbit, which has the right to modify at any time and at its own discretion the contents of this site, as well as the services offered.
Forbit srl undertakes to make the service continuous and the site functional; however, it cannot guarantee that information and services will need interruptions and suspensions or delays.
Documents available on this website
Documents that are available and can be taken from this website are the property of Forbit. They may be viewed or printed solely for personal use and may not in any way be reproduced (in whole or in part), altered, transmitted or used for commercial purposes without the written permission of the aforementioned company.
It note on data management
What is a cookie and what is it for?
Cookies were created in 1994 by Lou Montulli, a Netscape employee, to solve problems regarding limitations in identifying computers connected to a web page. Without cookies, sites cannot know if two requests come from the same device, so you need to assign them labels.
Cookies are saved on the hard disk or in the memory of the visitor’s computer. A cookie is a small file that is sent to your browser and saved on your device when you visit a website such as Caffini. Cookies allow an efficient operation of the site and improve its performance, they also give information to the owner of Caffini for statistical or advertising purposes, mainly to customize the browsing experience by remembering preferences and browsing methods. The cookie is similar to an exclusively personal identification card, whose task is to communicate to Caffini when you return. Many websites, including Caffini’s, use it. Cookies tell you how often you visit pages and this helps to understand what information visitors may be interested in. In this way, we can offer more content that affects a specific behavior and less that is not in line with what may not interest the user. Cookies help to be more efficient and to store preferences and usernames, register products and services and personalize pages.
If you don’t sign up for Caffini and don’t enter any personal information, the only thing the server knows is that someone with that cookie has come back to visit us. Nothing else.What cookies does Caffini use and for what purposes?
Cookies are strictly necessary to provide our services based on the HubSpot platform, browsing the site the user agrees to receive the cookies themselves and, in case he wants to block them, he will have to proceed with the modification of the browser settings as described in the paragraph below. Caffini uses different types of cookies and similar technologies, each of which has a specific function. We provide you with this information to comply with our commitment to communicate recent changes to the law and to ensure clarity regarding the privacy regarding our website www.caffini.com (“website”). To optimize the use of the site and the full functionality of the online purchase process and personalized features, your computer, tablet or mobile device must accept cookies. Our information on the use of cookies provides information on the type of cookies used and how to manage, control and delete.
Types of Cookies
At Caffini we use cookies to: keep track of the items in your shopping cart, remember your data on subsequent visits and optimize your online experience. Cookies allow us, for example, to customize certain sections of the site according to your needs, present targeted offers, identify and resolve any errors. We would like to specify that cookies do not harm your device. Normally we do not store confidential or personal identification data in the cookies we create. When we do this, we obtain this data directly from you, for example through information you have entered on our site, and we use it only for the purposes indicated in the cookie and privacy policy. All information collected through cookies is stored securely. We also work with selected companies that can also send cookies when visiting our website. They shall use that information to submit offers for products and services of potential interest. It is important to keep in mind that we have no access to or control over the cookies used by our selected companies. We do not share any of the personal information we collect, such as your name, phone number or address, with such companies except in accordance with our privacy policy.
How can I disable cookies and manage my preferences?
Most browsers are configured to accept, control or possibly disable cookies through the settings. However, we remind you that disabling navigation or functional cookies can cause the site to malfunction and / or limit the service we offer.
Cookie management:
IE: http://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows7/block-enable-or-allow-cookies
Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/PH11913
Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it-IT&hlrm=fr&hlrm=en
Firefox: http://support.mozilla.org/it-IT/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferencesFor more information on cookies and to manage your preferences on third-party profiling cookies, please visithttp://www.youronlinechoices.com.
To disable analytical cookies and prevent Google Analytics from collecting data on your browsing, you can download the browser add-on for deactivating Google Analytics: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
Acceptance and renunciation of cookies
By continuing to browse this site by closing the information band or clicking on any part of the page or scrolling to highlight further content, you accept the Cookie Policy of Forbit Srl and cookies will be set and collected. In case of non-acceptance of cookies by abandonment of navigation, any cookies already registered locally in your browser will remain registered there but will no longer be read or used by Forbit Srl. until a subsequent and possible acceptance of the Cookie Policy. You will always have the possibility to remove these cookies at any time through the methods referred to in the sites mentioned in the paragraph “Managing cookies”.
Acceptance and waiver of consent for data processing
The updated list of Data Processors referred to herein
information can be consulted at the registered office in Via G. Pascoli 12 – 37053 –
Cerea (VR); the exercise of the rights of the interested party pursuant to the GDPR 2016/679
can be made through specific communication by mail addressed
to the same Companies, or through the dedicated e-mail info@caffini.comNavigation cookies
From the first access these cookies allow the site to work
correctly and allow you to view the contents on your device
recognizing the language and market of the country from which you have chosen to
Connect. If you are a registered user, they will allow us to recognize you and
access the services offered in the dedicated areas. Navigation cookies are
technical cookies and are necessary for the operation of the site.Functional Cookies
These cookies allow, based on your express request, to recognize you
at subsequent accesses so that you do not have to enter your data at each visit
(for example: “Recognize me next time”). If you’ve added items to yours
Shopping Bag and closed the session without completing the purchase and without
delete them, these cookies allow you to continue shopping the time
next you access the site (within a limited period) finding the
selected items. Functional cookies are not essential to
operation of the site, but improve the quality and browsing experience.Analytical Cookies
These cookies are used to process statistical analysis on the modalities
of users’ navigation on our site. Caffini covers the results of
these analyzes anonymously and exclusively for statistical purposes
only if the service provider uses cookies in connection with the browser
used or on other devices used to browse the site. The site
uses some third-party services that, in a completely independent way, install
own cookies.First and third party marketing and profiling cookies
These cookies are aimed at creating profiles related to the user in order to send
commercial messages that meet the preferences expressed during the visit
or to improve your browsing experience: while browsing our site
these cookies are useful to show you products of your interest or similar to
the ones you viewed. Third-party cookies are those sent by
third-party companies we trust. These cookies allow us to offer you our
commercial proposal on other affiliated websites (retargeting). On the cookies of
third party we do not have control of the information provided by the cookie and do not
we have access to such data. This information is fully controlled
by third-party companies as described in their respective privacy policies.Social Network Cookies
These cookies are necessary to allow your social account to interact
with our site. They serve for example to make you express your appreciation
and to share it with your social friends. Social network cookies are not
necessary for navigation.List of cookies used on the site
It is another Cookie generated by HubSpot and allows you to keep track of
sessions performed by users. This cookie is used to determine if it is
you need to increase the session number and timestamp in the cookie
“__hstc”. Contains the domain, viewCount (increment each pageView to one
session) and the start date/time of the session.__hssrc
Cookie generated by HubSpot whenever the software changes Cookies of
session. This type of cookie is used to determine if the visitor has
restarted the browser. If this cookie does not exist when cookies are
managed, it is assumed that it is a new session. This is a Cookie
session therefore has no time expiration.__hstc
It is the main cookie used to keep track of user visits.
Contains domain, utk, initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp
(last visit), current timestamp (current visit) and session number (the
increase number for each subsequent session). Time lay: 2 years._ga
Cookie used by Google Analytics to distinguish users. Expiration
temporal: 2 years._gat
Cookie exploited by Google Analytics with an expiration of 1 minute and used to
limit the request speed. If Google Analytics is distributed through
Google Tag Manager, this cookie will be called _dc_gtm_._gid
Google Analytics cookie that expires at the end of the session and that registers a
Unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the
visitor uses the website.hubspotutk
This cookie is used to track the identity of a visitor.
This cookie is passed to HubSpot once the user fills in and sends a
Form e is used when de-duplicating contacts. -
This cookie is used to track a visitor's session from PrestaShop.
This cookie is used to track a visitor's session from PHP.
Content updated to 17/11/2021
© 2021 Caffini.com
Information regarding online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution Regulation):
The European Commission gives consumers the opportunity to resolve online disputes pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR on one of their platforms. The platform (http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr) serves as a site where consumers can try to reach out-of-court settlements of disputes arising from online purchases and contracts for services.